About Us


Our Mission: To improve the lives of Millions of people through running.


About Us:
Runner’s City is a running brand for runner's. Our logo represents the positive change runners are making in their own lives and in the lives of others globally through running.
Our Core:
At our core is running and designing things that help runners in their efforts to succeed as individuals.
The Link Between Runner's City & Charity:
In our efforts to raise millions for charities each year to help them support people in need locally and globally. We work closely with charities and host virtual and live events to raise money for charities.
What We Do
We help new and established runners run further and faster through our virtual competitions, live events and well being classes.  We also design clothing for ambitious and aspirational runners to wear that links them to the wider running community. 


Our Core Values:
Family: Through ambition and consistency anything is possible. 
Community: We believe that a community that runs together thrives together and is better for it. Our running competitions, events and classes are our way positively contributing to the betterment of the community, improving lives and helping charities.
Development: We stand with people who want to develop themselves through training their body and mind to achieve their goals and dreams.  



Runner's City History




- Coming Soon




- Launched 32 Men's and Women's Clubs in two Continents and taught hundreds finance, chess and key valuable skills for growth

- Feed Thousands in Africa

- Donated clothes and essential items to people in need and schools in Africa

- Met with Colin Jackson and other running clubs at the National Running show

- Met with Justin Gatlin and other key runners 



- Coached and mentored hundreds of young runners across England and Kenya 

- Connected with Key runners at the National Running Show 



 - Networked with key running organisations and athletes across England  




  - Designed a unique running accessory to improve running performance



 - Added new members to the team and testing products at park run and running events



Launched Instagram and Facebook account and inspired thousands to improve their running and fitness


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