Tired Of The Boring Old Running Competitions and Races? Looking For Something Fresh To Challenge You In Your Running?
The Real Competition Starts Here!
How It Works
Sign up, run and accumulate/score points throughout the month/season to move up the leader board. Challenge, Match and Pair with other runners to earn additional points and further your running progress.
Regularly update your runs by uploading your stats, images and/or documents onto our platform and see your progress in the leader board.
See if you made the Top 16 and who you will go head-to-head with in the showdown to determine the competition winner, runner up and third place. Prizes will then be sent to winners.
Monthly Top 16 Showdown
Every Month, there will be a (showdown) knockout head-to-head where the top 16 runners will be randomly selected to compete against the other Top 16 runners who made the Top 16 untill there is one runner left who will be the club champion.